Campaign Signs and Wood-Splitter Vandalized – $1000 REWARD Offered

[Ken Skibum Curtzwiler]
PLACERVILLE, Calif. — (May 13, 2022)
$1000.00 reward for any information on the person or persons who have vandalized my signs.

The signs were located on an empty lot where I store my equipment. It is on g street located near the bounce house event center. This is a dead end street.


This took place today between 8:30 am and 12:45 pm. I know that I am not looked upon with any respect by a select few in this community, but come on now.


Can’t you do that to my face instead of hiding?.


$1000.00 will be paid by me to anyone with information on who did this.


It has to be information that will stand up in court if it went that far. There was a police report filed also.


The information will go to me.


There was also damage done to my wood-splitter with the same paint.


Pretty chickenshit thing to do.

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