“In El Dorado County” is a new way to find out about and participate in, what’s going on near you.
We’re a community-specific news and information platform dedicated to providing comprehensive and trusted local coverage for El Dorado County communities. In El Dorado County is Fresh News resource that brings you up-to-date information on El Dorado County issues. In El Dorado County provides an interesting mix of hard news stories as well as being an important source of local information and opinion. We do not simply focus on the big stories, but seek out some of more unusual and interesting issues from around the county.
We want to make your life better by giving you quick access to the information that’s most relevant to you:
Keep up with news and events;
Look at photos and videos from around town;
Learn about local businesses;
Submit your own announcements, photos, and reviews.
Our coverage will to a large extent be guided by readers. We pay close attention to the comments in all our articles, looks for tips, corrections, new angles and story ideas. You can can also pitch stories directly through email us at news@InEDC.com
In that spirit of collaboration, we are going to push as far as we can with the concept of “open journalism,” and give readers all the materials we used to make each story. We’ll post any documents I use, show the full versions of press releases I draw from, embed the audio from interviews, including phone interviews with public officials and candidates – if the subjects permit me to record them.
My hope is that if readers have access to the source material, they will be able to point out important facets that we overlook, or just drive deeper into a particular point of interest. This approach also has the benefit or being more credible, as readers will be able to hear the full content of quotes, rather than just the text we decide to include, and draw their own conclusions accordingly.
Giving Back
You can’t truly serve a community unless you provide the help it needs most, which is why giving back is so important to us. We do it as part of our coverage — in a dedicated space that lets local charities and volunteers find each other — and with a program called “Give 5,” through which we donate free advertising space to charitable organizations and contribute our own time as volunteers.
Cris Alarcon, Publisher.
Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues.
All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s).
© 2022 by the Placerville Newswire. All rights reserved.
You may find us in El Dorado County
Placerville, CA 95667