Pollock Pines Man Expressed Desire to Commit Mass Casualty Event

(Eric Jaramishian, Mountain Democrat)


PLACERVILLE, CALIFORNIA, June 10, 2022 — Bail denied for ‘serious risk’ Pollock Pines man.

A Pollock Pines man accused of animal cruelty pleaded not guilty at his June 3 arraignment and was denied bail, with prosecutors asserting he poses a “serious risk” to the public after an investigation revealed he also reportedly expressed desire to harm others, including his own family.

A request for no bail from the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office alleges Jaden Marciano Janco, 18, showed his stepsisters photography of a dead kitten and video of himself beheading the same kitten with an axe and keeping it in a jar.

Jaden Marciano Janco

One of the stepsisters brought this information to the Independence High School resource officer, where Janco was attending classes in early May, days after he was kicked off campus for reportedly “cat calling” a female student and verbally harassing school staff. Additionally, Janco admitted to his stepsisters that he idolized rapists and serial killers, such as Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez, the court filing states.

Janco also reportedly told his stepsisters he had killed a raccoon by shooting it with a BB gun and a small dog by throwing it against a tree and stabbing it in the head. The filing shows Janco shared his visions of killing his family members.

The request to deny bail notes Janco expressed desires to kill his family members and to carry out a mass casualty event such as a school […]

The DA’s Office confirmed with the Mountain Democrat that Janco’s preliminary trial will be held June 16. His official charges are two counts of cruelty to an animal and first degree burglary.