Center Reach Drive Fire Out After Aggressive Cal-Fire Response

[InEDC, Vincent John LoFranco]

PLACERVILLE, Calif. (May 17 , 2022) — Got Lucky!!

Found it early and thanks to the quick and aggressive Cal-Fire response, it is now just a memory and a warning.

Be careful out there.

I knew that smoke in the air last night smelled like Fire. This is what life is now I think” – Lisa Newton Gentry

Yesterday, according to 911 fire dispatch, was a burn day. This fire, though, was on a property where the owner is a part time resident who was not home and no one was known or authorized to be on the property by the owner. It’s unknown if it was an intentional or accidental start but no one appeared to be there once the fire department arrived.” – Misti Smith

Scary to think that these things can actually start in dry grass from a piece of broken glass or mirror in the sun.. yikes it’s going to be a long summer.” -Michelle Fehrman Rouppet.