Placerville leaders respond to county’s homeless plan – Mountain Democrat

As El Dorado County moves forward with developing navigation and shelter resources for the local homeless population, city of Placerville leaders weighed in last week with the majority of sites to be considered for facilities located in the city.

On April 14, 2020, the city of Placerville and El Dorado County entered into a joint policy statement on homelessness.

The document, signed by then Placerville Mayor Michael Saragosa and then District 3 Supervisor/Board Chair Brian Veerkamp, states that both jurisdictions would “work together to establish immediate solutions to reduce and work toward elimination of the homeless problem.”

In spring 2021 the city requested to work with the county to establish a homeless facility before fire season, which did not come to pass. In November 2021 the board directed county staff to explore potential properties and report back by […]