Cuellar's message resonates: Native cultures are living entities deserving of respect, understanding, and protection from discrimination and hate
Alcander John Bayley: Pioneering Spirit in the West
Robert Chalmers: Pioneer Spirit and Legacy in El Dorado County's Agriculture and Politics.
G. Bassi of Valle Switzerland married Virginia Forni of Georgetown and they had three children - Daniel, Josephine, and Kitty.
History of Grizzly Flat in the Olden Days, 1850 - 1883. One of Four Parts.
Reflections of Change: Lake Tahoe's Transformation Through the Ages
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month: Recognizing and Respecting Indigenous Peoples
“The inviting openness of the Sierra woods is one of their most distinguishing characteristics,” John Muir said, describing how a...
© 2023 Placerville Newswire Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues. All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). You may find us in El Dorado County Placerville, CA 95667
© 2023 Placerville Newswire Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues. All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). You may find us in El Dorado County Placerville, CA 95667