EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. (October 8, 2023) Geo Gridley – Sacramento City Dec 10th, ’50
Dear Brother, Your welcome letter of Sept 10th we got 2 weeks since. We have just written you that we wished to keep our dust to operate on, but the failure of the crops, the losses by storm, and disease among the stock compels to send you some of our sub soil. 300$ I pay Spot. 24$ and you get 300 clear. I send by Adams Express to the mint at Phil., Penn. Pay my debts. The rest do as you see fit with and keep a fit act. I am sorry for Andrew and the rest of the farmers, but we have failures here too – if you can let my house, job and pay in the full from crops or in stock do so if you think best – We prospected on Sutters Creek last week, cost us 30$, came back to Dry Creek where we shall winter. have had a weeks rain, the roads now are good, the weather for 10 days has been cool freezing nights. Our prospects for the winter are poor. It is night and I must close – Give our love to all the folks. Speaking of fitting Black H. – a bad business, hardly know what to do with myself. rocking with horses, ha: do you rock yours by the horsepower? I will describe in my next the mode. I got here today 1 o’clock leave in the morning – it looks dark and rainy.–I hear that Russell Easton is dead. Rice was not expected to live when he left. Goodnight.
Geo Gridley