This is Pacific House, guessing sometime in the 1920s. Pacific House is just east of Freshpond on Highway 50. It...
A wood cutout of a Highway Patrol Car meant to slow people down
“There’s no human interaction, it’s totally the opposite,” Traverso said of the rehabilitation, adding that bears must maintain their natural...
"Before all of these buildings and businesses, this was native land," said Regina Cuellar, the tribal chair for the Shingle...
A store was built on the location in the 1930’s by Newt Grout. The building included a grocery store, one...
Federal agencies and institutions must consult with lineal descendants, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations, evaluate repatriation or disposition requests...
Georgetown Resident Stephen Meadows to Serve as Literary Arts Ambassador for the County
We strolled the decks feeling quite Twainesque. We took a tour of the boiler room and then stood at the...
© 2023 Placerville Newswire Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues. All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). You may find us in El Dorado County Placerville, CA 95667
© 2023 Placerville Newswire Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues. All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). You may find us in El Dorado County Placerville, CA 95667